Acting general practitioner
Are you an acting general practitioner and would you like to work at our GP Emergency Post in Tiel?
You are welcome to join our team.
You can register for this via the ObserverApp. By clicking on this link you will go through the procedure to become a new acting GP. The admission requirements will be communicated there.
Depending on the role you want to have in the ObserverApp, you will need to go through a procedure for VIP Observer, HIDHA or Permanent Practice Observer after going through this general procedure.
After completing all documents, we will give you the option of choosing an onboarding service. An onboarding service is not mandatory. The purpose of an onboarding service is to introduce you to our mail as well as to our patient system Topicus.
Schedule program
Emergency Post General Practitioners uses the free scheduling program of the ObserverApp. Already have an account? Then you can start following our organization after acceptance after going through the acceptance procedure. Don’t have an account? You can create an account free of charge via this link.
VIPLive Emergency EPD (Topicus HAP)
General practitioners and triage nurses of the Gelders Rivierenland Emergency Post use the VIPLive Emergency EPD triage system (formerly Topicus HAP). In this system, triage (NTS), scheduling consultation hours, registration of patient data and transfer are arranged.
Emergency Post General Practitioners is part of the Gelders Rivierenland care group. An up-to-date overview of the training courses can be found here
In addition, the Emergency Station for General Practitioners itself also organizes a number of training courses, such as AED / Resuscitation as well as Learning Pits. You will be invited to this by e-mail.